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[USB developVC-ez-usb

Description: 用vc编的ez-usb接口通信的程序,供usb开发人员参考。-with vc series of the ez-usb interface communications procedures for the development of usb reference.
Platform: | Size: 152576 | Author: 微微 | Hits:

[File OperateUSB设备读写

Description: 现在USB设备却很多,因此对USB设备的查找与读写就必不可少了。但是能找到关于USB读写的资料很少。这里使用VC++示范了一些获得USB的信息的方法。-now has many USB devices, USB devices to identify with the reader on the essential. However, can be found on the USB reader little information. VC model used here was some information USB method.
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 蔡世贵 | Hits:

[USB developusb dll

Description: 把USB接口做成动态连接库-USB interface, Dynamic Link Library
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 王飞 | Hits:

[USB develop!!用VC++编写USB接口通信程序 (已解密)

Description: !!用VC++编写USB接口通信程序 (已解密),经典的东东!我已经解密了!-!! With VC++ Prepared USB interface communication program (declassified), the classic NEE! I have to decrypt the!
Platform: | Size: 152576 | Author: 承德 | Hits:

[USB developusb

Description: VC编写的一个USB通用程序-VC prepared by a USB common procedures
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 涂涂 | Hits:


Description: 详细介绍了VC下利用WINDOWS API函数来实现与符合HID设备类的USB接口通信,并给出了通信程序的部分源代码-details of VC using Windows API function to achieve compliance with the type of equipment HID USB communications, and communications procedures given the source code
Platform: | Size: 197632 | Author: 刘林超 | Hits:

[OS programUSB编程源代码

Description: 本程序演示了如何编写高层应用程序与USB接口通信,希望对这方面开发的人有用-this program demonstrated how to prepare high-level applications with USB communications, the development of this area were useful
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: 唐建丰 | Hits:

[USB developUSB接口VC源代码

Description: 这是一个用VC做的USB接口的程序,挺好的-A good USB interface program, written by VC.
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 何开文 | Hits:


Description: Usb通信程序开发示例,讲述如何开发一个USB应用用程序-Usb communications program examples on how to develop a procedure using USB applications
Platform: | Size: 155648 | Author: 朱军 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopWhy-USB编程

Description: VC例程:该程序是由VC编写有关USB编程(完整代码)-How to write USB driver ( vc language)
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 温海燕 | Hits:

[USB developUSB枚举过程

Description: usb枚举过程详解,usb开发必备资料,非常有用!-Show the details of list of USB,it is necessary for the usb developer to use .It is very usefull.
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: 李俊 | Hits:


Description: 现在USB设备却很多,因此对USB设备的查找与读写就必不可少了。但是能找到关于USB读写的资料很少。这里使用VC++示范了一些获得USB的信息的方法。-there are a lot of USB equipment,so how to search,read and write USB equipment is needed.But information about reading and writing usb is not much.There are some methods for getting information of usb
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: liuf | Hits:

[USB developD12test源程序

Description: USB VC测试程序 周立功的USB板调试源码-USB VC testing procedures week meritorious board USB debug source code
Platform: | Size: 171008 | Author: 姜明建 | Hits:

[Windows Develop用VC++实现与USB驱动程序的通信

Description: VC++实现与USB进行通讯的代码;介绍如何与USB进行通讯了-VC and USB communication code; How to communicate with a USB
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: 刘海峰 | Hits:

[USB developUSB接口数据采集卡

Description: 这个接口卡程序负责采集低频音频信号,USB控制芯片采用AN2131QC。软件包括3个模块:Keil51编写芯片固件程序,vc++编写USB驱动程序和用户程序-the interface card collection procedures for low-frequency audio signals, control chips using USB Peripheral. The software includes three modules : the preparation Keil51 chip firmware and USB drives vc preparation procedures and user program
Platform: | Size: 1887232 | Author: ANN | Hits:

[USB developUSB接口检测程序

Description: 一个USB接口资源检测程序,含USB编程资源,有需要的朋友可以下载来看看,还有我调试过,绝对可以正常运行-a USB interface resources detection procedures, including USB programming resources that are needed can be downloaded to a friend to see, I debugger that can absolutely normal operation
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: 林海 | Hits:

[GPS developvc++gps

Description: 用VC开发的GPS监控跟踪软件,已经调试过,并在实际中使用,现与大家共享-VC development of GPS tracking software monitoring, debugging, as well as in actual use, and share is
Platform: | Size: 414720 | Author: wzl | Hits:


Description: 用visual c++写的程序,实现windowsUSB接口的通信程序,里面包括USB的接口说明-with visual c written procedures to achieve windowsUSB interface communications procedures, they include USB interface Note
Platform: | Size: 155648 | Author: 王群 | Hits:

[USB developUSB+vc

Description: 用vc编写的usb接口编程源代码,可移植性强,-vc prepared with the USB interface programming source code portability strong,
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: | Hits:

[Disk ToolsUSB(VC)

Description: 一个用VC++写的有关USB接口通信的程序,-a VC++ to write the USB communication procedures,
Platform: | Size: 195584 | Author: 王帅 | Hits:
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